Law Library
The George T. Ross Law Library is also the location of the Madison County Law Library. The law library provides library instruction, collections, and services to support the faculty and students of EKU. The collection is open for use by anyone, however to insure that materials are always accessible, materials may not be checked out for outside use.
Library Resources
- Academic Search Complete - Law journals and reviews
- JSTOR - Law journals and reviews
- Westlaw Next - Cases, journals, and statutes
- Print Resources in the Law Library
- Shepardizing a case
- Reading a case citation
- Reading a statute citation
Internet Resources
- Google Scholar - Search legal opinions and journals
- Kentucky law
- Kentucky Court of Justice
- Federal law and Supreme Court cases
Instruction and Reference Appointments
For faculty who would like to request instruction for a class, or for students who would like individual research assistance, please contact Linda Sizemore.