Reading a Statute Citation
How to read a federal statute citation
How to read a Kentucky statute citation
Where to find statutes
How to read a federal statute citation:
Federal Code (USC, USCA & USCS)
Citation example: 15 USC sec.41
Title number | Source | Section number |
15 | USC(or USCA or USCS) | 41 |
- The text of the laws in the USC, USCA & USCS are identical.
- The USC is the official version and is located in Government Documents department.
How to read a Kentucky statute citation:
Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS):
Citation example: KRS 305.015
Source | Chapter |
KRS | 305.015 |
- Look on the Spine for the chapters contained within each volume.
- The General Index is contained in volumes 19 and 20.
- Subject entries are followed by chapter numbers.
Where to find statutes
- United States Code, USC is in the Government Documents department.
- United States Code Annotated, USCA and United States Code Service , USCS is in the Law Library.
- Kentucky Revised Statutes, KRS, the Michie edition is shelved in the Law Library. The Banks-Baldwin edition is shelved in the Government Documents department. Both editions are the official edition.
- West Campus Research has the federal code and all the state codes.